TICA Registered Cattery
Our story
In 2019 I met my first Bengals. My good friend and now mentor was a breeder when I was introduced to her. I didn't only meet one Bengal! I was able to see young kittens, older kittens, and a couple of queens. I fell in love, did some research, and decided I wanted to get into breeding and continue to improve the breed.​
After about a year and a half of research and planning, I was able to get my first queen RGAbengals BINDI of soadorabengal, at the end of February 2021. I was also newly pregnant! little did I know it was TWINS. So our family of two turned to four very fast.
Bindi's third litter we decided to keep back a kitten, we named her Mika and she will be our future queen for the year 2024! Mika and Bindi share the house with two other domestic cats, two large breed male dogs, and a new female rescue all the way from Texas! We brought her home March 15th 2023.
Outside chickens and ducks we also have Cat our stray cat who showed up one day right before winter. He was skinny and starving so we made him a place on our porch with a heating pad and kept him fed.
Kittens born here are extremely well-socialized with children and dogs! we have had kittens go to homes with both and with a little bit of time became best friends with their new dog and cat siblings!
You can also take a look at our Instagram and Facebook pages linked down below at the bottom of the website!